Wednesday, August 26, 2015


We Defy You To Guess His Amazing Secret ...Tiger Boy From Twilight! 

Frank (Red Sonja)Throne did a great job on the cover of Atlas Comics Tiger-Man!

A personal favorite of mine, Gold Key's Tiger Girl, from Jack (Neutro) Sparling!

How have I overlooked this? There was a Tiger-Man, even a Tiger Girl. There was even a Tiger Boy in DC Comics Action Comics, Adventures of Jerry Lewis & Anthro, but it turned out to be an ad for Uniroyal. But what about the Tiger Boy from Twilight in Harvey Thrillers Unearthly Spectaculars!

"Are you tired of being you? What would you rather be? A flower? A cloud? A Tiger?" As the story opens, we are introduced to young Paul Canfield, a child prodigy who excels at academics and athletics. He even plays the piano! 

Unearthly Spectaculars #1 
Cover by Joe (Fighting American) Simon & Jack (Pirana, Jack Q. Frost) Sparling.
"Will Power"
The boy could be anything he wanted through incredible mysterious will power.
First appearance & origin of Tiger Boy (Paul Canfield.)
Written by Otto (Spyman) Binder with art by Doug (Rio, Jonny Quest) Wildey.

Unearthly Spectaculars #2
Cover by Joe (Captain America) Simon, Jack (Secret Six) Sparling & Wally (T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents) Wood.
"The Boy Who Hates Us All"
First appearance of Tiger Boy's sister.
Written by Otto (Bee-Man) Binder with Gil (T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Menthor & Raven, Blackmark) Kane art.
Otto Binder wrote Bee-Man as well as Spyman!

Nothing better than a good T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, featuring Raven from legendary Gil Kane!

Groundbreaking paperback edition of Gil Kane's Blackmark!

This is another prime example of the fabulous Silver Age. I mean, two legendary artists on one comic book series! Utterly fantastic! Don't miss out on it.

Great western graphic novel by Doug Wildey - Rio!

Doug Wildey designed Jonny Quest!

Live Large My Friends!

Thank You! 
Love those Harvey Thriller ads!


  1. Reminds me of Beast Boy from Doom Patrol.

    Put 'em all together and it's like the Batman Family or Superman Family. What a wild group they would make.

  2. "the boy who hates us all"...what a tag line!
